這場獨家活動在首屆世界餐廳獎頒獎禮之前舉行,本週一晚上,首屆世界餐廳獎頒獎禮在布隆尼亞宮(Palais Brongniart)舉行
巴黎2019年2月19日電 /美通社/ -- Amanda Cohen、Mauro Colagreco、Kylie Kwong和Virgilio Martinez等美食家昨晚參加了薩凱帕(Ron Zacapa)冧酒官方2019年世界餐廳獎(The World Restaurant Awards 2019)開幕禮。

(L-R) Virgilo Martinez, Pia Leon and Milena Martinez attend the official Ron Zacapa rum opening event of The World Restaurant Awards 2019 at Malro on February 17th, 2019 in Paris, France. The exclusive event is ahead of the inaugural edition of The World Restaurant Awards being held at the Palais Brongniart on February 18th. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Zacapa Rum)
作為卓越美食領域的全新獎項,世界餐廳獎主要是表彰餐廳領域的卓越、誠信、多樣性和豐富文化,而不是單單讚揚耀眼成就。該獎項由IMG(美國國際管理集團)與餐廳領域的新聞記者Joe Warwick以及美食專欄作家和現場評論員安德烈-彼得裡尼(Andrea Petrini)聯手打造。
世界餐廳獎評委會在性別方面「五五開」,由餐飲界的眾多知名人物組成,包括一系列最具知名度的大廚和廚藝新星、美食作家與專業人士。加入評委會的大廚包括Elena Arzak、Alex Atala、Massimo Bottura、David Chang、Hélène Darroze、Daniel Humm、Dan Barber、René Redzepi、Ana Roš、Yotam Ottolenghi和Clare Smyth等名廚。
在薩凱帕冧酒於巴黎Malro餐廳舉行的歡迎宴會上,客人們品嘗精緻的薩凱帕古典雞尾酒和出自於Malro主廚Denny Imbroisi之手的小盤佳餚。
薩凱帕首席調酒師Lorena Vasquez表示:「我們很高興在首屆世界餐廳獎頒獎禮舉行之前,在這裡歡迎業內精英。」
IMG世界餐廳獎項目的負責人Cecile Rebbot說:「非常高興在明天頒獎之前,在今晚讓在座各位品嘗雞尾酒,參加活動的人士都是全球範圍內富有才華的餐廳工作者。要是沒有出色的合作夥伴,我們就不能舉行這一活動,很高興能夠借此機會與像薩凱帕這樣的高品質品牌進行合作,並讓薩凱帕成為我們為世界餐廳獎所選擇的烈酒。」

(L-R) Denny Imbroisi and Mauro Colagreco attend the official Ron Zacapa rum opening event of The World Restaurant Awards 2019 at Malro on February 17th, 2019 in Paris, France. The exclusive event is ahead of the inaugural edition of The World Restaurant Awards being held at the Palais Brongniart on February 18th. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Zacapa Rum)

Laura Lazzaroni, Marco Bolasco and Kylie Kwong attend the official Ron Zacapa rum opening event of The World Restaurant Awards 2019 at Malro on February 17th, 2019 in Paris, France. The exclusive event is ahead of the inaugural edition of The World Restaurant Awards being held at the Palais Brongniart on February 18th. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Zacapa Rum)

(L-R) Amanda Cohen and Joe Warwick attend the official Ron Zacapa rum opening event of The World Restaurant Awards 2019 at Malro on February 17th, 2019 in Paris, France. The exclusive event is ahead of the inaugural edition of The World Restaurant Awards being held at the Palais Brongniart on February 18th. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Zacapa Rum)
圖片 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/823064/Virgilio_Martinez.jpg
圖片 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/823063/Mauro_Colagreco.jpg
圖片 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/822980/Kylie_Kwong.jpg
圖片 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/822979/Amanda_Cohen.jpg
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