台北2020年9月23日 /美通社/ -- Analog Devices, Inc.(Nasdaq: ADI)宣佈與Microsoft Corp達成策略合作,將運用Microsoft的3D飛時測距(ToF)感測器技術協助客戶輕鬆建立高效能3D應用,實現更高的深度精度,而不受具體的環境條件限制。ADI將基於Microsoft Azure Kinect技術為工業4.0、汽車、遊戲、擴增實境、運算攝影和攝像等領域提供領先的ToF解決方案。
ADI消費性電子事業部總經理Duncan Bosworth表示:「客戶希望深度圖像採集能夠和拍照一樣簡單。HoloLens混合實境頭戴裝置和Azure Kinect開發套件中均使用了Microsoft的ToF 3D感測器技術,該技術被視為飛時測距技術領域的業界標準。將這種技術與ADI自主建構的解決方案結合,將使客戶能輕鬆開發和擴展所需的下一代高性能應用,而且是開箱即用。」
ADI正設計、生產和銷售一全新系列產品,其中包括3D ToF成像器、鐳射驅動器、基於軟體和硬體的深度系統,這些產品將提供卓越的深度解析度,精度可以達到毫米級。ADI將圍繞互補金屬氧化物半導體(CMOS)成像感測器建構完整系統,以提供3D細節效果更佳、操作距離更遠,且操作更可靠的成像,而且不受視線範圍內的目標限制。此平台為客戶提供隨插即用功能,以快速實現大規模部署。
Microsoft合作夥伴硬體架構師Cyrus Bamji表示:「ADI是將物理現象轉化為數位資訊之領導者。此次合作可擴大我們ToF感測器技術的市場滲透率,協助開發商用3D感測器、攝影機和相關解決方案,這些產品與方案可與基於Microsoft depth、Intelligent Cloud和Intelligent Edge平台建構的Microsoft生態系統相容。」
ToF 3D感測器技術可精準投射僅持續數奈秒的受控鐳射,之後這些鐳射從場景中反射到高解析度圖像感測器,而對這個圖像矩陣中的每個像素提供深度估值。ADI新推出的CMOS ToF產品基於Microsoft技術,可實現高度精準的深度測量,是具有低雜訊、防多路徑干擾高穩定性,且易於量產的校準解決方案。ADI的產品和解決方案已開始提供樣品,首款運用Microsoft技術的3D成像產品預計於2020年年底發表。如需瞭解更多資訊,請瀏覽:www.analog.com/TOF
Analog Devices 公司簡介
Analog Devices, Inc. 為全球領先的高性能類比技術公司,致力於解決最艱鉅的工程設計挑戰。我們協助客戶運用無與倫比的技術進行感測、測量、電源、連接和解讀,智慧地搭起現實和數位領域之間的橋樑,從而更瞭解周圍的世界。詳情請瀏覽:www.analog.com。
Forward-Looking Statements
This release may be deemed to contain forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, among other things, our statements regarding the expected opportunities, benefits and developments associated with the collaboration between Analog Devices, Inc. and Microsoft Corporation, including the anticipated advancements in technologies, solutions and product development efforts and offerings, that are based on current expectations, beliefs, assumptions, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industry and markets in which the companies operate. The statements contained in this release are not guarantees of future performance, are inherently uncertain, involve certain risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed in such forward-looking statements, and such statements should not be relied upon as representing Analog Devices' or Microsoft's expectations or beliefs as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results described, implied or projected in any forward-looking statements include difficulty or delay in our design, development, production and marketing of products, technologies and solutions, including those associated with the collaboration and other risk factors described in the most recent filings of the two companies with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Neither company undertakes any obligation to update forward-looking statements made by us.
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